
Trump is trying to destroy our environment even more now. It’s PAST time to put an end to his destruction! If Trump, Trump supporters, Republicans and the GOP even gave 1/2 a shit about the environment as they do their precious #2A or their "anti-abortion bills" or their wall, the USA would be better off!

But we all know how Trump likes to pass bullshit legislation that either doesn’t change much, or just reaffirms what already was in place, or is just plain asinine! But #cult45 eats it up and begs for more!

So now I have a few questions for the people in the back row: (those of us in the front row know the answer already) WHO is trying to silence voters? WHO keeps trying to silence the media? WHO keeps trying to silence minorities? WHO keeps attacking those that call him out or disagree with him?


Do you realize:

Many people still don’t realize this; the so-called tax relief (scam) includes several riders that not only go against WE THE PEOPLE, but they also threaten our wildlife, as well as the environment! Case in point, arctic drilling! It’s a forgone conclusion that it would be a waste of tax payer money in the 1st place! All it will do is further destroy our environment! Not only that but it will also give arctic wildlife an eviction notice!

How many times has this been denied in the past to protect our wildlife & the environment? But then again, POTUS couldn’t care less about either. He gave us a promise a year ago for a decision that would block trophy hunting, but we waited many months for his final decision, just to find out he REVERSSED it!. Personally, I think it was just a load of bullshit, because we all know that both of his sons are trophy hunters, and his daughter in law (Lara) promotes it!

Plus there’s the fact that the USA is the only nation not involved with the Paris climate act! Trump signed a bill that increased coal mining production and guess what followed suit? Coal mining deaths also rose in direct proportion! Let alone the fact that coal burning is definitely not going green and we all know that! It’s not rocket science!

Haven’t we damaged this world enough? Haven’t we caused our wildlife enough problems as it is, because of our ignorance, arrogance and greed? Consider this too; the Arctic shelf is already extremely weakened due to global warming which could spell disaster! Should I go into global warming now, or later? And what about the part that under minds the rest of Obamacare? Need I say anymore?

How many people will this affect and how many people may die as a result? Keep this in the back of your mind… a few years from now you will be paying back what you get in tax returns this year! They claim how businesses will be giving out bonuses and this is true. However, not in the way they claim. Those same businesses are laying off people, in order to generate those bonuses for the remaining employees! So who wins in that scenario? I’ll give you a hint, the businesses that approve of this despicable act.



wolf population info

Early in the 20th century, wolves were hunted with virtually no controls, and bounties were common. But the wolf’s fight in Alaska hasn’t been against extinction — the state’s wolf population is healthy, with estimates ranging from 7,000 to 12,000.

Wolf population in Minnesota

Estimated at fewer than 750 animals in the 1950s, Minnesota’s wolf population now is estimated at 2,423 animals, 212 more wolves than estimated on the survey conducted in winter 2013.

VICTOR, Idaho— Idaho’s wolf population remained stagnant at 786 wolves in 2015, only one more wolf than 2014, according to new state estimates released today. The number of breeding pairs was estimated to have increased from 26 pairs to 33 pairs.

Sustaining a recovery that evokes both wonderment and concern, the Wisconsin population of gray wolves has reached a modern-era record of about 825 animals in more than 200 packs, according to state biologists.

Wolves population in the USA

Approximately 5,000 gray wolves are thought to remain in the lower 48 states. Currently, there are self-sustaining populations in Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. Alaska’s wolf population is estimated between 7,700 and 11,200.

PORTLAND, Ore., Feb 25 (Reuters) – Oregon’s once decimated gray wolf population has rebounded to at least 77 animals, and the wolves are now pairing off and breeding across a wide region, state officials with the state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife said on Wednesday.


Our wildlife NEEDS us more than ever!

It’s bad enough that our wildlife gets hunted for trophies by trophy hunters, but when we invade THEIR land, where are they to go? Yeah, THIS is what our wildlife will face if Trump gets HIS way! Drilling in the arctic & fracking plus oil pipelines in our National Parks!An eviction from the ONLY place they can call home, to conditions like THIS!

Calling out @janrobinjackson

If there is 1 thing I cannot stand its people who turn their back on
Wildlife!I will call them out anytime & every time!


@janrobinjackson aka Cajun Rogue

I was having a conversation with her – a supposed member of the #resistance, and said I hate the government. Her reply was – what part of the government? I said ALL of it! She asked why? My reply: Any person or organization that turns it’s back on our wildlife is an enemy of mine! She then claimed that our government protects our animals, just not this administration. She then proceeded to block me – but this is my response to that:

The government protects our animals? Are you for real? I don’t know
who you think you are, but I know who you aren’t! If you were a true
advocate you’d know the government does NOT protect Wildlife as much
as they claim! I’ve done this for a long time! The government turns
it’s back on Wildlife every chance they can justify! When it comes to
most wildlife crimes, they get brushed off by the government! Why the
hell do you think there are animal advocates? Why do you think there
is an endangered species act and are you aware that every single year
since its conception the government has tried to strip the very
animals they pledged to protect? Why do you think every year we have
to fight to keep the endangered species act alive? Are you also aware
that for every Bill Congress passes, there is at least 1 rider that is
anti wildlife? Sorry but a true advocate would already know this! I
have taken the liberty to warn other animal advocates about you on and
also off of Twitter, including on our personal website!

If you turn your back on wildlife, you are my enemy!


Help our Sealife & Wildlife!

It’s been over 2 months since Mr Trump promised us an answer in regards to wildlife trophy hunting. In the meantime we have undergone cuts to DACA & ACA, we have had NUMEROUS (countless) infractions regarding the @interior and @SecretaryZinke including but not limited to the resignation of COUNTLESS National Park Officials (to which he now must answer for)! However, Mr. Trump has been busy Tweeting that he has signed legislation to send AMERICA back to the moon & beyond!
So, remind me about this again please: is this how #MAGA works?

NOTE: As of Jan 28, 2018 POTUS has stated that the ban will remain in place…for now! This sounds suspicious knowing his history of changing his mind, and knowing BOTH of his sons are avid trophy hunters, and his recent actions about the environment!


Help our Sealife & Wildlife!

Not only is Ryan Zinke a MAJOR threat to our wildlife and our environment, he is ALSO a major climate change denier and, sources say, he has ties to Russian companies, and was "bought out" by the #NRA! He backs#POTUS decision to drill for oil in the Arctic circle thus basically giving COUNTLESS wildlife an eviction notice from the ONLY home they have! But it gets better, he ALSO supports the decision to increase off-shore drilling, thus threatening our sea life! That being said there is just 1 question, how does he #MAGA? This spells DISASTER for years to come!

Please contact your state representatives and help put an end to this atrocity before it’s too late! If we don’t protect what we have now, we won’t have anything left to protect in the future!

Remember, it’s THEIR planet too!
